Company sanctioned for non-compliance with the Cookie Guide
Of interest to youIn this post we will analyze a recent resolution of the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD) about a company sanctioned for non-compliance with the Cookie Guide (published in July 2020) on its website.
The Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD)…
Transborder data transfers
Of interest to youThe scope of transborder data transfers
The publication of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) on May 25, 2016 in the European Union, served as inspiration worldwide for the implementation of data privacy laws.
Many countries,…
The risks of using free VPNs
Of interest to youThe risks of using free VPNs are not few in number.
Virtual Private Networks are services that guarantee users' privacy on the Internet. In this way, users can encrypt their connection and anonymize their browsing by allowing them to connect…
Sanction for recording underage soccer match
Of interest to youIn procedure PS/00313/2021, the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD) has imposed a fine of €3,000 on a company specialized in recording soccer matches for capturing images of minors without prior consent from their parents.
Sanction for…
Sending an email without blind copy
Of interest to youIs it possible to send emails with addresses without blind copy?
Sending an email without blind copy can involve fines.
The AEPD states that email addresses are considered personal data. Therefore, their processing must comply with data…
Lack of information on the processing of personal data
Of interest to youThe AEPD imposes penalties to real estate companies of up to 5,000 € for not informing the interested party of the processing of their personal data.
Several affected parties have filed complaints to the AEPD, in relation to the use of their…
Video surveillance cameras on public streets
Of interest to youVideo surveillance cameras that focus on the public highway
Video surveillance cameras on public streets. On January 27, 2022 an individual filed a complaint to the AEPD, due to the installation of video surveillance cameras by another individual,…
How to recover a domain
Of interest to youIn this post we will show the different ways to follow, with the aim to know how to recover a domain name
What is a web domain
How to recover a domain name is the question we should ask ourselves when faced with any problem that may…
Giving bad references of a former employee can cost you €6000
Of interest to youConsequences of giving bad references about a former employee
Fine for giving bad references. The Social Court of the TSJ of Madrid has sentenced a company to immediately cease giving bad references about a former employee to third companies…
Black Friday and Privacy Policy
Of interest to youDoes your website comply with the Data Protection Law for Black Friday?
The importance of the Privacy Policy of websites
On August 26, 2022, an individual filed a complaint to the AEPD against a company for not providing sufficient information…
Preliminary draft of Whistleblower reporting channels.
Of interest to youThe draft law protecting whistleblowers regulates a confidential whistleblowing channel and creates and defines the functions of a new competent authority
Preliminary draft of Whistleblower reporting channels. On March 4, 2022, the preliminary…
Advertising through influencers
Of interest to you theInfluencers, the best tool to reach your target audience.
Advertising through influencers. The widespread use of the communication strategy in social networks has allowed brands to reach the public in a very simple way through the so-called…
The impact of the new Digital Markets Act (DMA)
Of interest to youThe need to update Directive 2000/31/EC:
The impact of the new Digital Markets Act (DMA). With the advent of the Internet at the end of the 20th century, the increase in digital services, businesses and platforms has had a significant impact…
Whatsapp groups in the company
Of interest to youThe Spanish Data Protection Agency has recently published different resolutions on the prohibition or not of using workers' phone numbers to add them in Whatsapp groups of the company.
These resolutions may seem contradictory to each other,…
Obligatory whistleblower channel for companies
Of interest to youObligatory whistleblower channel for companies. Following the entry into force in 2019 of EU Directive 2019/1937 on the Protection of Whistleblowers, also known as the "Whistleblowing Directive", companies are required to set up an internal…
Digital Services Act (DSA)
Of interest to youOn July 5, 2022, the EU Regulation on the Digital Services Act (DSA) was approved.
The aim of this Act, like the Digital Markets Act (DMA), is to implement the rules that will govern a future European digital single market.
In this way,…
Employee training awareness
Our servicesWe have heard that the weakest link in a security chain is the processing of information by employees.
Employee training awareness. Some of the most common risks of not implementing employee training include changing passwords on computers…
Data Protection Officer Service
Our servicesThe Data Protection Officer Service can be provided internally by means of an employment contract or externally in the framework of a contract of services provided.
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) establishes a series of "proactive…
New Technologies and Advertising Law
Our servicesThe different disciplines covered by this section of New Technologies and Advertising Law are as follows:
New Technologies and Advertising Law. These are some of the services we provide:
We advise on regulatory compliance of promotional…
Adaptation of web and App to legislation
Our servicesIt is important to increase legal security in a changing medium such as the digital environment. Therefore, we must ensure that the web and App are correctly adapted to the legislation.
In Auratech we offer the service of adaptation and implementation…
Data Protection Audit and ISO ISMS Certifications
Our servicesData Protection Audit and ISO ISMS Certifications
1.- Data Protection Audit
Data Protection Audit and ISO ISMS Certifications. In the regulation of development of the old LOPD it was clearly stated that a Data Protection Audit should be carried…
Data Protection advice
Our servicesTo comply with the GDPR legislation with an efficient advice in Data Protection means to give confidence to the clients.
We focus on what really matters to you. We are not going to say how many years we have been in the sector, neither the…
Data Protection Services. Consulting and advice
Our servicesBy hiring our data protection services, you will be able to come into effect with national, European and International privacy regulations in a short period.
The main reason for the Data Protection regulations is, year by year, to implement…